Monday, March 31, 2008


Why do nut ass dudes even exist? I seriously want an answer.

I woke up in such a great mood this morning and then a NAD came along and had to ruin it. Everyone knows I avoid drama like the plague because I don't like to let my evil side out very often but I had to this afternoon. Is it ever that serious to keep calling over and over and over again and leaving nut ass messages?? WTF sir?!?

But it's over now... problem solved... Whew!


octoberwildchild said...

hi. text me and tell me what happened. NOW! lmao

Scrilla said...

oh LAWD! Well as long as the problem is solved - hopefully you won't have to worry about anymore NAD's...for awhile - you know they always pop up.


Just when the weekend was so nice, Here go a NAD to ruin your week. Well you know they are always around so just stay prepared.

Unforgettable Moments said...

How you gonna say tell you and you dont tell SHYT. LOL
Get them nuts outta here.

Anonymous said...

yes...they exist and it's sad. My answer is often Love, Live, Learn and Keep it Movin. Dont bother me with the bull. But as long as it's over you can check off one more of those undesired encounters.