Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Baby

Paris is having surgery as we speak. Maybe you think "so what," but this is a big deal to me. I love this cat so much!!!! My mind and emotions are battling out whether to cry my eyes out or chill and wait for the surgeon to call back. I have no idea what to do right now. So I just wait...and pray...and wait some more.

He may have some type of obstruction in his intestines and that could be what's causing him to be so sick. Any surgery is risky but I was told it would be more risky not to act fast so there you go. A perfectly healthy two year old Tonkinese undergoing anesthesia and "the knife"...I know he's scared but something tells me I'm probably more shook up than he is. I have to remember that he's at one of the best hospitals in the nation for veterinary medicine so of all places to be he's in the right hands and my family, friends, and I are all praying for his fast recovery.


Unforgettable Moments said...

My parissssssss, he better be ok, so I can yell at him later.

octoberwildchild said...

aaaaaaaaaww my sexy thing is feeling bad. get well soon, paris. we love you.

tigerlily said...

Thanks friends! He's doing much better... I saw him this afternoon. He was still druged up though

GL said...

Oh No!
:( little buddy...
i'm a horrible aunty!

give him a big squeeze and kiss for me!

Scrilla said...

Awww, I hope all is well! Poor kitty.