Tuesday, March 25, 2008

House rules

I have to say that this past Easter Sunday was one of the best in a very long time. Driving down to see the family often feels like more of a chore than anything. Don't get me wrong.. I love them but I suppose I'm used to being alone & independent so their smothering behavior is a huge turn off.

Sunday I also spent time with the nieces & nephews. I can't remember the last holiday that they were all even around. Of course Jordan wasn't there but I'll catch him in a few weeks. My brother and I got to finally hang out too. I am so proud of the man he has become and is continuing to grow into. His job as a mailman keeps him busy for 12+ hours a day at times so we mostly communicate in brief phone calls or text message. Growing up with siblings is not always the most pleasant situation. Sibling rivalry is a b$tch and being as though it was really just me & him in the house (meaning no other brothers for him to rough up) I was not fond of having a baby brother...the time he pushed me down grandmom's back porch and I almost plummeted to my death...the time he thought we were WWF wrestlers and he damn near murdered me in the living room...oh maybe I should stop this before you get the wrong idea. We were kids lol!!

So he & I were partners on Sunday in a game of spades. My family loves to play spades! I always tell people my dad wanted 2 kids just to get a spades game going lol. And he taught us well..We played my mom's old neighbors and although we were half their age we gave them a good ol' fashion ass whoopin' - drinking & talking shit - just like we were taught lol!


Scrilla said...

LOL! That sounds like so much fun! Having a good time with family is the best.

octoberwildchild said...

yeah family, can't live with them can't live without them. glad you enjoyed yourself tho!

Unforgettable Moments said...

Im glad you had a good time.