Monday, February 25, 2008

Hands Off!!!

They say I sometimes over-react but you know I can get very possessive... I just don't like the idea of someone else's grubby paws all over my belongings. Need I remind you of the the Pumpkim spice creamer incident from a few months ago. I nearly had a heart attack when it went missing from the office fridge. Now this! My thoughts are spinning faster than those people in that spinning class at the gym... my heart rate is steadily climbing and I can feel the taste of horrible evil words ready to burst out of my tight-liped mouth.

SOMEONE DELETED MY FOLDER FROM THE NETWORK DRIVE. The thing is someone moved it last week too but I found it and replaced it to its original location. So the first time I'll let slide as a silly misstake. But this time was no accident. Who The F&#~@!?!? I use this folder to store critical files for my weekly cash forecasts to Corporate so you can see why I'm mad. To be continued...

Monday, February 18, 2008


Whoknows what is really on your mind and what you really wanted to say. I made so much room for you in my heart and in my life but yours was too crowded. Then the tables turned. I'm not sure when though. And now I sense you want something different...perhaps something more. As smart as I claim to be, reading minds is not one of the things I've mastered. Actions speak louder than words and right now your actions are leaving me speachless..perplexed...alone. Speak up, feelings get hurt otherwise. I am truly a different of "dem jawns Webbie be singing 'bout." Meaning I'm no groupie and I don't belong to any fan club. It takes a lot to I guess I should get a warning lable for next time.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all and to all a good night ;)

Diagnosis Unknown

I know one thing... Monday is not coming fast enough!! I really need the results of my lab work ASAP!! This whole not sleeping / losing weight / excelerated heart rate / memory loss and a boat load of other symptoms I can't even mention in public is scary and I'm starting to crack. I keep telling myself to not stress about it because that will probably just increase my anxiety and stress levels making all the symptoms worse. But I'm more concerned that I may not be comfortable skiing this weekend because of my heart rate. It's already uncomfortable just trying to do the things I normally do on a regular basis.
I don't know what I'll do if the results come back inconclusive. At least if I have a hyperactive thyroid gland a simple pill will bring me back to normal. I can't continue living like an irritable, fraile, exhausted looking zombie.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Office Space

I'm movin' on up - up out of cube life into my manager's old office. Today is my first full day in the office in the new role. Did I mention my office is next to the Director?! It's exciting! I'm sure this feeling will wear off but for now I will enjoy it. As I sit hear listening to music and starring out the window I can't help but to thank God for blessing me. I've done a lot in my short career with this company but it's still hard to believe that I've jumped 3 levels and $25k in only 4 years. Just the thought makes my skin tingle. I can feel the excitment bubbling through my veins! I could literally do cartwheels down the ailse outside my door. Be right back...

I've got a golden ticket

I've been smiling and singing that song all day... just like I said I would. Isn't it fun when you find out you have so much in common with someone. Even the most silly & bizzare things such as being the only 2 adults in the whole-wide world that watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory regularly.

There's something nostalgic about that movie. I watch it with young eyes and anticipation every time and it never gets old. I'm hoping this is symbolic...

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Your opinions mean everything to me. Last night reaffirmed that I can tell you anything and you'll be as open minded as possible. I mean you also played devil’s advocate but I really needed that too. I don't know why I thought I needed to keep quiet these last 2 weeks but that "little secret" was burning my insides up. If this fizzles or if it lasts I'm happy to know I'll have your support.
Thanks Sis!

BTW / the name of this artwork is "I Got Your Back" by Debra Renee Jeter

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Love is in the air

Valentines Day candies, Valentines Day cards, Valentines Day conversations, Valentines Day proposals, Valentines Ugh!! It's so annoying! I don't mean to sound bitter because I'm not. Even when I had boyfriends during this time of the year I felt that Valentines Day was over-rated and full of disappointment. This is one reason why I'm glad I'm single now and have the option to enjoy a perfect Valentines Day evening alone pampering myself. Well, that's what I'll be doing unless I get asked out on a date at the last minute.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Trouble Sleeping

And over-the-counter sleep aids aren't working.