Monday, February 25, 2008

Hands Off!!!

They say I sometimes over-react but you know I can get very possessive... I just don't like the idea of someone else's grubby paws all over my belongings. Need I remind you of the the Pumpkim spice creamer incident from a few months ago. I nearly had a heart attack when it went missing from the office fridge. Now this! My thoughts are spinning faster than those people in that spinning class at the gym... my heart rate is steadily climbing and I can feel the taste of horrible evil words ready to burst out of my tight-liped mouth.

SOMEONE DELETED MY FOLDER FROM THE NETWORK DRIVE. The thing is someone moved it last week too but I found it and replaced it to its original location. So the first time I'll let slide as a silly misstake. But this time was no accident. Who The F&#~@!?!? I use this folder to store critical files for my weekly cash forecasts to Corporate so you can see why I'm mad. To be continued...


Unforgettable Moments said...

Ohhhh no. Calm down Killa!

Scrilla said...

DIDN'T!!!!!!! Heads will roll....

octoberwildchild said...

my first thought... someone is trying to sabotage you!!!


Seems like some hateratio & bitchness going on up in LM. But keep calm... we don't want act hastily.

tigerlily said...

Yes tons of bitchassness going on here... the IT guys restored my folder and I had them restrict access to only me and the cash team so hopefully this won't happen again.


oh sorry excuse my typos i'm glad were so close you still got my point. :)