Monday, March 31, 2008


Why do nut ass dudes even exist? I seriously want an answer.

I woke up in such a great mood this morning and then a NAD came along and had to ruin it. Everyone knows I avoid drama like the plague because I don't like to let my evil side out very often but I had to this afternoon. Is it ever that serious to keep calling over and over and over again and leaving nut ass messages?? WTF sir?!?

But it's over now... problem solved... Whew!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

House rules

I have to say that this past Easter Sunday was one of the best in a very long time. Driving down to see the family often feels like more of a chore than anything. Don't get me wrong.. I love them but I suppose I'm used to being alone & independent so their smothering behavior is a huge turn off.

Sunday I also spent time with the nieces & nephews. I can't remember the last holiday that they were all even around. Of course Jordan wasn't there but I'll catch him in a few weeks. My brother and I got to finally hang out too. I am so proud of the man he has become and is continuing to grow into. His job as a mailman keeps him busy for 12+ hours a day at times so we mostly communicate in brief phone calls or text message. Growing up with siblings is not always the most pleasant situation. Sibling rivalry is a b$tch and being as though it was really just me & him in the house (meaning no other brothers for him to rough up) I was not fond of having a baby brother...the time he pushed me down grandmom's back porch and I almost plummeted to my death...the time he thought we were WWF wrestlers and he damn near murdered me in the living room...oh maybe I should stop this before you get the wrong idea. We were kids lol!!

So he & I were partners on Sunday in a game of spades. My family loves to play spades! I always tell people my dad wanted 2 kids just to get a spades game going lol. And he taught us well..We played my mom's old neighbors and although we were half their age we gave them a good ol' fashion ass whoopin' - drinking & talking shit - just like we were taught lol!

Monday, March 17, 2008


I sometimes feel as blue as a mid-day November sky when I think about what I don't have and what I yearn for. It's so easy to imagine yourself in the shoes of others with money, with husbands, with families, with love. Every vision, every song, every voice is a reminder of the emptiness I often feel even in the presence of others. Those are the moments when you can't wait to disappear into a dark corner and melt into a ball and do just that... cry. I wouldn't call it depression but I'd say it's some mixture of envy, impatience, and sadness that awakens within ever so often. But just like that, as quickly as it appeared, the feeling is gone. I wake up in love again. In love with me, in love with him, in love with you...

(note: friends, as promised, this is NOT another blog about Johnny Walker)

Friday, March 14, 2008

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

I've only been wearing it for a week but Chocolate Shake-speare is my new favorite O.P.I. nail polish color. It's fun & feminine...just like Shakes!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Baby

Paris is having surgery as we speak. Maybe you think "so what," but this is a big deal to me. I love this cat so much!!!! My mind and emotions are battling out whether to cry my eyes out or chill and wait for the surgeon to call back. I have no idea what to do right now. So I just wait...and pray...and wait some more.

He may have some type of obstruction in his intestines and that could be what's causing him to be so sick. Any surgery is risky but I was told it would be more risky not to act fast so there you go. A perfectly healthy two year old Tonkinese undergoing anesthesia and "the knife"...I know he's scared but something tells me I'm probably more shook up than he is. I have to remember that he's at one of the best hospitals in the nation for veterinary medicine so of all places to be he's in the right hands and my family, friends, and I are all praying for his fast recovery.

Where were these words earlier today?

I remember it just like it was yesterday. It's very hard to believe that it's been almost 3 years. At first, you were the perfect gentleman... manners, a great family, loving. I fell in love... hard. Then something changed. For a long time you led me to believe the source was me. You convinced me that I was not caring, I was rude, and that I no longer loved you. It took me almost an entire year to realize that it wasn't me at all. IT WAS YOU! You tried to get in my head, tried to change me, tried to pull me away from those I really loved - all to make me yours. The day I broke free I knew I'd made the right decision. Pounds of heavy burdens and grief instantly released from my body. My mind was free to play in dreams again and I was able to start a new journey. My love which had disappeared long ago returned so my heart could embrace feelings of connections and romance again.

All that. Yes after all that you still tried to make me feel like the villain. Even after I severed ties with you, you thought you'd be able to manipulate me one last time or at least wound my self esteem enough that I'd come crawling back. Well listen, it didn't work and it never will. I'm above the games, the name calling, the accusations, the manipulation, the lies, the empty promises, and even the reaching just stop. I've never been happier!

If that makes me bitter then ok, I'm bitter.
As you said "Go to hell please" hahahahahahaha

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chicken & Waffles

I miss Roscoe's. You cannot visit LA without stopping by one of the many House of Chicken & Waffles locations. Didn't see Roscoe or any celebs this visit but the food was great so it was well worth it. I'm glad Brian was here to show me around... He said he'd do the same the next time I come out with the girls!

I'm loving it out here. Where has the week gone!? Today I seriously explored the idea of living in the Los Angeles area. I haven't ruled out the idea so we shall see...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm going going back back to Cali Cali...

Well actually I'm already here. It has been a tumultuous 48 hours and I can't wait to get in my bed Saturday night and sleep until Monday. First, yesterday was supposed to be a light day. I planned to leave work early to go home pack, clean, and go to bed early since I knew my day would start at 4 am. Well that didn't happen. A 3 hour impromptu meeting in the middle of the day caused me to leave work late. Then I arrived home to find a very sick cat & vomit everywhere that I had to clean up on top of the hundred other things I needed to do before 4. Thankfully I was able to do what I needed to do to make the flight but I had to leave Paris home. Thank God my good friend was able to take him to the vet today and she'll also be able to stop by throughout the day during this week while I'm away to give Paris his medication.

Let me not harp on the negatives... I'm in Los Angeles!!! I arrived safe & sound, the weather is gorgeous, the LA office is amazing, the food is incredible out here, and I feel honored that I was even asked to take part in this project.

I'm meeting up with an old friend from college tomorrow. I'm looking forward to sightseeing and heading over to Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles (E - I'll tell Roscoe you said Hello!!)
I hope I meet Snoop...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Margaritas & Manicures

Two people this week told me that we are like the black Sex In The City. I like that! The more I think about it the more I agree. Despite the age and income differences we do share a lot of similarities especially on each of our "Birthday Weekend Extravaganzas!! But who's who?? I think I'm the Charlotte York of squad...

The semi-surprise 27th birthday weekend planned for our closest friend was perfect! Margaritas...manicures...girl center city night out...and good ol' IHOP to top off the weekend's events. We weren't able to squeeze in the tattoos but there's plenty of time for that. It's hard to plan for someone who is used to planning events on their own so I really hope she enjoyed herself!

People will probably be expecting me to come up with my bday plans in about a month or so... I'll just say this now. I'm not doing anything big. Just dinner. Just us!