Thursday, February 14, 2008

Diagnosis Unknown

I know one thing... Monday is not coming fast enough!! I really need the results of my lab work ASAP!! This whole not sleeping / losing weight / excelerated heart rate / memory loss and a boat load of other symptoms I can't even mention in public is scary and I'm starting to crack. I keep telling myself to not stress about it because that will probably just increase my anxiety and stress levels making all the symptoms worse. But I'm more concerned that I may not be comfortable skiing this weekend because of my heart rate. It's already uncomfortable just trying to do the things I normally do on a regular basis.
I don't know what I'll do if the results come back inconclusive. At least if I have a hyperactive thyroid gland a simple pill will bring me back to normal. I can't continue living like an irritable, fraile, exhausted looking zombie.


octoberwildchild said...

oh no... yes trying to relax is the best thing. breathe deep! so much is going on right now, we often forget to breathe deeply.

you can relax on the snowy mountains if you get winded. and shopping is always relaxing.

Unforgettable Moments said...

You will be fine, Im sure. Just pray about it. Somethings are beyond your control boo.