Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Good morning dedication

I had a horrible day on Monday. You know all the drama going on in my life right now... school projects, year-end work pressures, and my move. This entire life transition has my stomach doing flips and my head spinning in circles. I can't focus and I'm finding it difficult to sleep, eat, relax, get motivated, pretty much everything except chill with you. I went to bed stressed out and woke up this morning praying that my Tuesday would not be a repeat of the day before and then, at that very second, you called...


octoberwildchild said...

that was me deleting, no worries...

romancin' is beautiful, aint it!?!

Unforgettable Moments said...


Scrilla said...

I know I'm all late commenting, but it wouldn't let me post anything before :(

But yeah - what a nice pick me up!