Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Career Day 2008

The Career Day at Lankenau High School is not until April 17th but I'm excited about it already. My best friend always says that she thinks I have O.C.D. so I suppose she won't be surprised to find out that I crafted a very professional yet age-appropriate and appealing presentation on business careers in less than 30 minutes... only an hour after she sent me the details for the event. Needless to say I am at work and have a hundred other tasks to get through but I found this one more interesting and I put it at the top of my priority list.

I don't know what it is but I just love being in the classroom. Working with children has always been a passion of mine. I was approached a few years ago after my 2nd day as a Junior Achievement volunteer to consider a career as a teacher. Most people I meet say that I'd make a great teacher because of my demeanor, love of education, and my patience but my hesitation has always been the salary. It's unfortunate that our society doesn't pay teaching professionals what they actually deserve. An even bigger reality is in the school districts where teachers are needed the most, you're more than just the teacher... you're the social worker, the therapist, the hairdresser, the referee, the mentor, and the parent at times. It's not that I couldn't handle all that but the career obviously requires great responsibility with little to no recognition; however, I'm sure I'd feel much more rewarded and fulfilled at the end of each day than I do now. Maybe after I give Corporate America a few mores years I'll seriously consider the change.

Junior Achievement starts again in a few weeks. This year I'm teaching 3rd graders. I can't wait!! The 5th grade curriculum was awesome! I taught the students about business and entrepreneurship. Their "final project" was a marketing plan where they had to think about a product or service they believed society needed and then sell it to me. They were all phenomenal!! I have never been more impressed in my life. I wonder what I'll get to teach the 3rd graders this year?


Anonymous said...

Wow, a teacher, I didn't know this was your interest as well. I think you'll be an excellent teacher, and I agree its unfortunate that a person can make six figures sitting in meetings all day, yet the individuals who are molding the leaders of the future receives a salary that does not compliment their duties. However knowing that it was you who assisted with the success of a child is a reward in itself.

Unforgettable Moments said...

I am glad that you will come and do the presentation. I cant wait to see you in action. This is going to be wonderful.
But I agree they dont pay teachers enough for the amount of work and heartache most of them take in. These students come with thousands of bags and its unfortunate that teachers have to dig through children to get them to do work and see themselves as important indiviuals who can succeed in life with a little motivation.

Scrilla said...

Grrrrrrrl - you know we are >< on this. Aww, 3rd graders! Have fun!