Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Does race matter?

On CNN this morning a journalist walked around New York City trying to get voter's reactions to Senator Obama's declared victory as the Democratic party presidential candidate.

History was made last night! I was on the phone with my dad most of the evening listening to the candidates and the political commentators. My dad was so proud of Senator Obama, as was I. My dad mentioned how excited his father would be too if he were still alive. My grandfather lived in the segregated south, Wilmington NC specifically, where for many years although Black Americans technically had the right to vote, unfair practices and laws such as the poll tax and literacy tests out right denied Black citizens their right. So yes, last night was a huge victory in Black History as well as a great moment in U.S. History. However, Senator Obama did not once claim this in his victory speech last night. And why would he? I ask again, does race matter?

Well according to the comments from a NYC subway commuter interviewed on CNN this morning I am inclined to say that there are far too many people that would answer Yes - they do not want a black man in office. The commuter stated that she was a Hillary Clinton supporter but if Barack was on the ballot in November she would vote for McCain. Seriously, McCain??? When asked why, this woman didn't point to any policies, beliefs, voting records, experience, or any other major issue affecting our country. This woman simply said, "I don't think America is ready for a black president." Hmmm. Interesting comment full of ignorance yet I'm sure thousands of other people in our society share this same opinion.

Race doesn't matter and it shouldn't play a role in this campaign. The better candidate should and will prevail. Senator Obama knows this and he is not making it the issue although everyone else is. My prayers go out to my fellow Americans - particularly those hiding behind their ignorance.


octoberwildchild said...

and this is why we will not advance as a nation of human beings, because of people like this. granted i am excited as a black person but i voted for barack because not only are his ideas fresh, new and exciting, but he breathes new life into politics and communicates his strategies in ways that reflect the average citizens concerns. if people vote based on race in this election, like they voted out of fear in the last, we will be screwed for another 4 years. dumb ass americans.

Scrilla said...

When will America be "ready" and what exactly does "ready" entail? That's some BS and I'm tired of it. If not now, when?

octoberwildchild said...

on another note tho, a lot of white people have OBAMA signs on their lawns. so it can go either way.

Unforgettable Moments said...

I think it is going to turn really ugly. I pray for the best to happen. There are some strange people in this world that are truly against him. He shouldnt be afraid but he should be very careful.
I want him to win. Not that OLD DUDE!