Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Newness: the feelings of excitement and fun-loving times one experiences at the pre-beginnings of a romantic relationship. Ha!! Yeah I know that sounds like it came from Webster’s but I just made up that definition. But we all know the feeling. My longest relationship lasted for 2 ½ years but technically if you discount the amount of time we spent doing the long-distance thing and multiply it by the number of nights we couldn’t stand to be around each other when we were actually together, minus the special occasions he ruined with his lack of emotion for anyone other than himself, then divide that by the number of times we actually were happy I think the true number is really 8 months. Historically I average about 4-5 months though. Perhaps it’s because eventually the newness dissipates and we lose interest. This time around, I want something substantial that will endure…. But I must stress that I am not rushing into anything as I understand how much work is required to build and maintain a strong, healthy relationship. My career and education are important to me at this stage in my life. I also am finding the necessary “Me time” needed to reconnect with myself, defining the next set of life goals, and strengthening the bonds that I currently have in my life.


octoberwildchild said...

oooh bond strengthening is always fun. i love me time, i don't think i can ever get enough!!

but yes, new love is magical and let it be just that. that work shit can wait until your in your 5 year. for now have fun and enjoy.

Unforgettable Moments said...

Love will come around, no need to rush it. If its love it will be there. Do what makes you most happy and that should include hanging with meeeeee.

Scrilla said...

Do you boo :)