Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year, A New You

2008 brought so many accomplishments as well as complications and I'm shocked that its all in the past now. With every day I grow stronger and wiser... well that is what I pray for. I look forward to the adventures that lay ahead in the coming months but I want to take a moment to reflect and remember... Mia & Frankie, the housewarming OH LAWD, the ski trip, Dee's surprise birthday weekend, the LA office experience, why do I have cat bills, being proud of my baked mac & cheese, My 27th birthday party at Bamboo, Sex in the City the Movie, our first kiss, Miami with the girls, my 3rd and final tatoo, falling in love, countless other birthday parties, baby steps up the corporate ladder, weekends with friends & family, getting a taste of pole dancing and loving it, the Obamas becoming our first family-elect, the 1st anniversary of purchasing my condo, Erica's bday in DC, holiday festivities, my short hair cut, and the best new year's eve ever.
*smiles & tears*

Happy 2009!

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